20 more networks connecting IPv6 users

We have published the latest measurement results for World IPv6 Launch network operator participants. We now present data for 90 networks, 20 more than in August. This is a result of new networks registering to join the Launch effort and existing networks passing the measurement thresholds. It’s hugely impressive to see that 6 of these networks are now delivering more than 50% of their traffic over IPv6. A total of 72 networks are now exceeding the World IPv6 Launch target of 1% traffic over IPv6.

The results are ranked by volume of traffic measured by Google. The percentages are a simple average of measurement results from multiple sources. Our measurement sources are Google, Yahoo! and Facebook and we have published results for all network operator participants for which we have at least two measurement sources and for which the simple average of those measurements is greater than 0.1%. Further detail on the measurement methodology is available here.

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